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    IPRCC 2019 十月国际讲座通知

    编辑 : 北京离子探针中心


        由中国国际前寒武研究中心(IPRCC)和国家科技资源共享服务平台北京离子探针中心(挂靠在中国地质科学院地质研究所)主办的2019 Oct. Training Course - Crustal melting: migmatites and granites 将于20191011日至13日在北京举行。此次讲座特邀请美国马里兰大学Michael Brown教授、澳大利亚科廷大学Chris Clark教授、澳大利亚科廷大学Tim Johnson资深讲师、加拿大滑铁卢大学Chris Yakymchuk助理教授进行授课( 主讲人介绍、课程内容及安排请参见附件1 )请有兴趣参加讲座的同仁尽快填写附件2报名表并反馈至会务组邮箱iprcc@bjshrimp.cn(报名截止时间为20191010日下午17:00)。











    IPRCC 2019 Oct. Training Course


    Dear Colleagues,

    The 2019 Oct. Training Course - Crustal melting: migmatites and granites - will be held on 11-13 Oct., in Beijing, sponsored by the International Precambrian Research Center of China and Beijing SHRIMP Center, Institute of Geology, CAGS. In this training course, we invited Prof. Michael Brown from University of Maryland, USA, Prof. Chris Clark from Curtin University, Australia, Senior Lecturer Tim Johnson from Curtin University, Australia and assistant Prof. Chris Yakymchuk from Waterloo University, Canada to give lectures  (see attachment 1 for brief introduction of the lecturers, course overview and program). Please fill in the registration form (attachment 2) if you are interested in the course and send it to the email box: iprcc@bjshrimp.cn. The deadline for registration is at 17:00, 10th. Oct., 2019. 

    The training course is for free and a lunch will be served at the canteen of CAGS. Other fees should be covered by the attendants themselves.

    The training course will be held at the X304-X308 Conference Room on the 3rd floor of the New Synthetic Building (where the canteen is), Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 26# Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.

    Secretary of IPRCC and Beijing SHRIMP Center




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