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    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating for the Cangshuipu volvanic rocks and its implications for the lower boundary age of the Nanhua strata in South China [查看] WANGJianLIXianhuaDUANTaizhongLIUDunyiSONGBiaoLIZhongxiongGAOYonghua
    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemistry and Nd isotope of the Guandaoshan pluton in SW Sichuan Petrogenesis and tectonic significance [查看] LIXianhuaLIZhengxiangZHOUHanwenLIUYingLIANGXirongLIWuxian
    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the uppermost Cretaceous Furao Formation near the Heilong River:An age chosest to the KT boundary [查看] LIXianhuaLIWuxianCHENPeijiWANXiaoqiaoLIGangSONGBiaoJIANGJianhongLIUJicaiYINDeshunYANWei
    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion and its geological significance [查看] LIXianhuaSULiSONGBiaoLIUDunyi
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